Stage 1
Detailed costing of the rota for a given provision.
Taking account of training hours and hourly rate for each staff level within the rota.
A report detailing total cost of the rota at varying level of occupancy.
Highlight the sensitivity of the rota to variables such as sickness, agency and bank staff.
Based on stage 1 work, we advise a generic pricing structure for the provision.
This will be based on:
Rota costing
sickness level
Agency spend
Admin & auxiliary costs
Benefit (Stage 1 plus)
Generic pricing model.
Generic Care Funding Calculator (CFC).
Net Margin report for each varying level of occupancy.
Resident MatriX
Resident's pricing compared to current fees paid by funders.
gap analysis between fee paid and optimum pricing for a given resident.
Determination whether residents are rightly, under or over priced.
The matrix informs which strategy to focus the home's effort in pursuing fee negotiation.
Benefit (Stage 2 plus)
Detailed pricing per resident.
Resident Matrix comparator.
Proposed strategy for funding gap
Continuing Support
Benefit (Stage 3 plus)
Support with fee negotiation with local authority, CCG or fee payers.
Recommendation on annual fee increase.
Attendance at board meetings with contribution to relevant papers.
Reporting on factors influencing performance such as:
Sickness & Agency Cover.
​Increase in National Living Wage and inflation
Efficiency of operations.
Individualised Care Funding Calculator (CFC) per resident.
Financial modelling and analysis.
System implementation (cloud based).
Fee collection automation for contribution to care (mobility contribution, parent contribution)
Automation of accounts payable (from purchase orders to invoice payment).